Thursday, June 27, 2013
Friday, June 21, 2013
Colonel Donald Ware Interview
By Johanne Robichaud
was encouraging other board members to look at both the physical and
“non physical” aspects of UFOs. The stationary of MUFON clearly states
it is “Dedicated to the Scientific Study of UFO’s. I told them the
study of the human spirit is the proper approach. They feared losing
credibility with the spiritual aspect being put in there. So I lost the
board vote 15 to 8 to not study the non-physical aspect. Walt had
old-fashioned ideas.”

Patricia Butler, Donald Ware, Michael Telstarr and Travis Walton
Colonel Donald Ware Interview
Before I delve into Donald Wares’ insights which he wishes to share
with the world while he is with us in this “container” or “soul
vessel”, I’d like to tell you about the young man, who to me, must have
always been a very curious soul.

UFO Congress Conference Location AZ
was born in Richmond, VA in 1935. He says his first paranormal dream
was of himself flying around, he now recognizes this as an OBE (Out of
Body Experience). I told him that I used to be able to float or fly
anywhere too…down stairs, over houses…until the age of 12 and then it
Around the age of eighteen and a
sophomore at Duke University, he woke up late one night at 2am in the
morning and all this information started coming to him. He wrote three
major paragraphs. Donald said he had one main ambition and that was to
be the happiest man in the world. He wrote down the ingredients for that
to happen which reads as follows:
1. Love
2. Excitement
3. Self-satisfaction
Donald Ware found all these elements in his role as an Air Force fighter pilot. Donald Ware is now a retired
USAF fighter pilot and teacher. He received his Bachelor in Science in
Mechanical Engineering in 1957 at Duke University. He received his
Masters in Science for Nuclear Engineering in 1972 from the AF Institute
of Technology. Ware was Eastern Regional Director of MUFON from
1989-1993. He was also the Director of the International UFO Congress
Conference from 1993-2010. In the year 2000, he was invited to attend
the State of the World Forum. Although he probably enjoyed his military
life, he left it and retired at the ripe old age of ….47!

Colonel Donald Ware and Johanne Arizona
So what does a still relatively young and curious mind do with his new found time?
in this case Donald Ware dedicates his life to learning more about our
cosmos and our relationship in it. He believes the prime directive that
he has been assigned to is “to show that science and spirituality are two sides of the same coin and cannot be separated.”
Lt. Colonel Ware was also an advisor for the Exopolitics Institute under the research and education division and also became a World Citizen, initiated at Stone Mountain, Georgia.
will be electing people who are not of a particular nation, they will
be Citizens of the World and will led us into the Golden Age.”
"Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind." – Albert Einstein.
Ware lets me ask the questions that he has been asked repeatedly, but
since he is a gentle, kind and patient man, he goes through the motions
with me. I feel compelled to share something personal with him, but I
hold back. I am waiting for a sign to go ahead. For now I will stick
to the interview but when he started talking about his being in contact
with the spiritual realm since 1989, I knew we would and will eventually
talk more about the spiritual aspect of aliens, contact and angelic
The Zeta Race Mixing with Human DNA
He tells me that millions of people in the US are now in a hybrid program with short beings that come from Zeta Reticula. The new hybrids
have larger brains and have a greater telepathic capability. These new
bodies are being developed to house our souls as we join the galactic
societies. This same body will house some Zeta souls!
is a joint human/Zeta project and I believe that our Government is in
liaison with the aliens. Wait, my head is spinning, did I just hear
that right? He doesn’t look like he’s pulling me leg, he looks calm and
serious. Wow, now that’s a pill to digest. But that’s not all he
He said there is a lot
of preparation before all of this can happen. The New World Government
will herald forth this era. Humans have to learn “Unconditional Love”
What Jesus preached will come about “heaven on earth”. Donald acknowledges,
“I’ve been in touch with the angel tic realm since 1989.”
on the earth has to forget about borders. We have to get rid of
“nationalism” and look at the earth as one human race going towards a
new era.

Arizona Desert UFO Conference 2012
What type of things would stop this new era to come about?
said with firmness: “Fear, ignorance, hate and greed will be the blocks
towards humankind going forward.” He goes on to say, the internet and
international flights, rapid communications with each other makes us all
get closer than ever before. We can work out our differences. The
economy is changing also into smaller segments.”
What was the main event that influenced you to become more interested in UFOs?
1952 I saw seven lights from UFOs over the White House in Washington,
DC. They were flying in a no fly zone. This was witnessed by a lot of
people and made the news.
Tell me about your life in the US Air Force and did anything happen to you there that you’d like to share with us?
“During my 26 years with the Air Force I was into UFOs and spirituality but I didn’t really investigate it fully until I retired
in 1982 and I was 47.” He reminisced, “the F-84/F86 would do 500 miles
an hour and the F-100 would run supersonic. I did combat tours in
Vietnam, came back to do classes in nuclear engineering at Patterson Air
Base. My last assignment in the air force was in Europe.”
“I was in a six hour chase in a super sonic jet that went faster than the speed of sound, “The Canadian Arrow”.
It was dismantled because the technology was just too advanced for us
to use. We were asked by the US Government to dismantle it.”
F-100 Super Sabres were used from 1954 to 1971. The super jets ran Mach
One and then eventually Mach II speed with the F105. Colonel Ware
continued, “I requested a one year lay over working on the F100, the
first fighter to cross supersonic speed. I decided I’d rather be a
pilot rather than working on the aircrafts themselves. I retired in 1982 from the Air Force.”
Ok, so after your Air Force career, what happened next? How did you get involved with the UFO world?
“I talked to Walt Andrews January 1st
and said I’d like to work for MUFON and be a field investigator. Two
years later I was state director in Florida in Fort Walton Beach, 800
miles from Key West. I got fired from the board of MUFON though. The
reason is that the International Director, Walt, is the only person that
can fire another director. So I got fired 2 weeks before my 4 year
term was up.”
So why after years being with MUFON would the Director ask you to step down?

Ware continued, “I learnt
that the main reason people were seeing UFOs is that they were part of
the hybrid project. Angels and aliens communicate with us
Colonel Ware has written “Eleven
Government Conspiracies and Probably Reasons” in March 2002. Looking
into this will prove eye-opening at the very least. I will go
over these conspiracies as a list in Part II. Hey does this mean Donald
Ware is a whisleblower?
“I believe that in 1981 the President was given a one hour briefing on the Alien agenda at Camp David.” - Donald Ware
You mentioned that you have been in contact with the spiritual realm since 1989, can you tell me more about that?
1989 I received fifteen messages which appear to be from a higher
intelligence. The messages came through seven other people using three
different telepathic processes. I did not know all of the seven people.
Some information was channelled, some came through a Ouija board, and
some came through visual messages. One of the messages from the aliens
is that we are killing our planet.”
“Just remember, said Ware, “We are eternal spiritual beings, and there’s no need for fear or anger.”
Ware then jumps topics as he is excited to get everything out and my
poor hand just keeps on writing. This man has so much information that
I’ve decided to present this interview on two parts. Another article
will be written separate to Part I and II after I have read and digested
a plethora of written information he has handed me.
The Council of 20 & 4
bright eyes of excitement Colonel Ware says, “The Counsel of 20 and 4
are the upper echelons of the galactic council. Adam & Eve were
actually 8 feet tall when earthbound and they sit to this day on that
So were you brought up religious, and if you don’t mind me asking, what religion were you brought up in?
grandfather was a Methodist minister and I attended church but then I
didn’t go for a while. I attended some inter-denominational churches
but then I rejoined the Methodist church when I retired at 47. I
remember the minister we had when I was younger; he was very interesting
with a ridiculous high IQ of 175 and had access to the Library of
Congress! He was the smartest Methodist Minister I knew.” Donald
Again, in 1989 I took to another
Methodist minister a three page letter and 20 minute audio tape. I asked
him, I want you to tell me what the public would feel if they knew this
stuff. His response back to me was; “I can’t talk to you about
anything but what I was taught at the seminary.” What a letdown, of all
letdowns….here you are hoping for help, insight, or some good advice at
least…and all Donald got was a solemn “can’t talk about it”!
am now a faithful follower of the Unity Church whose mantra is “We
promote peace, love and joy through our thoughts, words and actions.”
brought up a book that I had about eight years ago. I found it at a
used bookstore. I don’t have a lot of books, I don’t like clutter. I
like good information and unique books. I walked into the bookstore and
asked a higher power to guide me to a book that I would need in the
future. I was hoping it would pull me to the Art section, sculpture or
medical section…no such luck….instead I found myself drawn to the
“Religion” section. Oh great. I walked right up to the book and put my
hand on it. Before I pulled it out I asked myself, “Is this the one?”
The answer was yes in my head so I pulled it out from the shelf. It
was a bible….but not just any bible, it was called URANTIA and if I
remember correctly it was white and blue with a world on it. The pages
were thin just like the old bibles had and the chapters were laid out
like a bible. I thought maybe it’s like a Mormon Bible. I paid 8.75 for
it and took it home. I started to read it. It was difficult for me to
get through …I got tired from it and eventually put it away. I have no
idea where it is now. What I remember is, it was extremely involved and
My point in bringing this up is
that there’s only a small number of this bibles published
(approximately) 750,000. Guess who else has a copy of it? He may not
remember what I told him about my personal struggle and it being so
private I cannot talk about it here but someday everything will come
together. For now, I am surprised and happy to find that Donald Ware
also has the URANTIA bible.
URANTIA is the name of planet Earth.
Donald Ware’s New Years resolution in 1999 was to
take the URANTIA book from the bottom of the stack and put it on the
top. This book is so involved and fantastic that I can understand why
someone would put it to the side for future reading, as I did that
I hope someday to find my book again and understand it when I do find it.
Ware asked if me I ever been to Italy. Unfortunately, I have never been
there but I’d love to go for the history and especially the
sculptures! He suggested I go to visit a special place called Damanhur which is located in Northern Italy near Turin.
Damanhur – Seeking the Utopian Community
Damanhur is a society located in Piedmont, and by plane the nearest airport is Turin-Caselle. You can visit this “Utopian” society who has their own money
system, school system and constitution! They are regarded as a separate
unique society. Sort of what Quebec probably wishes for but
wait…there’s more to it. Apparently a lot of tourists visit there for
the hand dug underground temples. Founded in 1975, the ‘Federation’ has
about 1,000 citizens and extends over 500 hectares of territory
throughout Valchiusella and the Alto Canavese area. They are at the
foothills of the Piedmont Alps.
The founder is
Oberto Airaudia also called “FALCO”. And why do they call him “Falco?”
He took his name from the Egyptain God, Horus who has a falcon head and a
human body.
Since 1998 it has been a member of GEN Europe
(Global Eco-Villages Network). This is part of the intrigue with
Damanhur as they serve as a good role model of self-sustainability.
Many of thousands of tourist go there, including the famous such as
Sting and his wife Judy, as pictured on their website.
Damanhur is renowned throughout the world for the Temples of Humankind, an underground work of art. It was started by hand until the mountain
had been dug out to its core and then finished by electric drills. The
main temple is the Temple of Humankind and has been called ‘the Eighth
Wonder of the World’. They are different temples that branch off the
main temple: Halls of Water, the Earth Hall, The Hall of Spheres, the
Hall of Mirrors, Hall of Metals, the Blue Temple, and the Labyrinth. –
reason Colonel Ware brought up Damanhur is that he wanted to tell me
about their main lure. You have fantastic artwork and grand meditative
temples, a separate society that believes that every individual is
fundamentally important and… they apparently have a “time travel”
machine! Colonel Ware told me, “You have to be a Daminnherian to be
able to use their time machine.” In other words they are recruiting
for new citizens and if not consciously, certainly subconsciously,
people joining the new Utopian society are hoping they will have the
privilege of using the time machine. “You have to be naked when you step
in and when you get to the other side, new clothes will be given to
you.” Do you have a choice as to where you go…in the future, in the past, which country? It certainly adds mystery. Please visit this website at:
State of the World Forum
The State of the World Forum was founded in 1995 by Jim Garrison to create a global
network of unique individuals from different sectors of life. The forum holds gatherings and invites people who are Heads of State, Nobel Prize winners, activists, big business executives, scientists, policy-makers, senior military officers, politicians, spiritual leaders, artists, and PhDs in different fields of study.
network of unique individuals from different sectors of life. The forum holds gatherings and invites people who are Heads of State, Nobel Prize winners, activists, big business executives, scientists, policy-makers, senior military officers, politicians, spiritual leaders, artists, and PhDs in different fields of study.
The Forum has developed a number of strategic initiatives with partners worldwide and started many non-profit organizations.
The whole idea is to form a global network of like-minded people to
work on global issues. They work on solving problems facing all of
humanity as a non-profit organization.
In the year 2000 Donald Ware got a call saying Jim Garrison wanted to speak with him.
Donald was invited to attend the ‘State of the World Forum’. The World Forum was being held in New York City that year at the Hilton Hotel.
On the exact same day, Joe Firmage, who made 35 billion by age 28, was
holding his conference in the NYC Hilton on the same floor! He invited
anyone of the 1,500-2000 people invited to the World Forum to join him
at his conference for free. The UN Millennium Summit was also being
held in New York at this time! Now just split yourself 3 ways and send
each one of your personas to attend each conference…that’s all you have
to do!

Patricia Butler, Donald Ware, Michael Telstarr and Travis Walton
May 2003, Donald Ware was invited as the Director of the UFO Congress
Conference to attend another conference held in Brussels called National Sovereignty and World Challenges: Choices for the World After Iraq. This conference was to be held on June 20thhowever
Mr. Ware was also scheduled and promised to go to another conference
happening simultaneously. Mr. Ware decided to go to the conference that
he said he would attend; keeping his word to his friend and colleague.
This other conference had a monetary cost attached to it as well but Mr.
Ware kept to his plan. He was asked to make his comments via e-mail for
the Brussels Conference after he was sent background material.
“The greatest honour I ever had was when I was sent the outcome draft from the Brussel’s Conference on the ‘Integral Governance Initiative’ and asked for my comments.”
I was allowed to put a web page on the exclusive State of the World Forum website that
was accessible to the people who participated in those six conferences from 1995-2000.
was accessible to the people who participated in those six conferences from 1995-2000.
My spirit guides led me and I’m not shy telling people what’s going on.”
Ware says matter of factly, “I do believe that they did recover a craft
in Roswell in 1947. MJ-12 was created to deal with the Roswell fall
out in 1947 by Henry Truman.”
The “Majestic 12”
is a code name for a committee of scientist, military and government
officials to investigate the Roswell crash. The original MJ-12 have
passed on…but some say there is still an MJ-12 going, on even today.
Vannevar Bush had recommended to the President Truman to put together
MJ-12 to investigate the Roswell case. Many of the MJ-12 documents have
been disputed as false or disinformation to throw off the UFO
investigators and the public in general.
Ware is a wealth of information and he can dart from one subject to
another pretty quickly. The interview turned more into a teacher/pupil
relation after the first 20 minutes.
Being an investigator and writer himself, he delved into the next topic with great fervor.
If only our school teachers could muster up this amount of zeal be this interesting and informative…
THE CLUB OF ROME (COR) was formed in 1968 by ten countries that had gathered in Rome. They had a book published in 1972 called The Limits of Growth: A Report for the Club of Rome's Project on the Predicament of Mankind. In a nutshell it says, “The homo sapien species is suicidal in need of an upgrade both intellectually and spiritually.”
Donald said that, “The carrying capacity of the earth is 8.3 billion people and we are hovering at 7 billion.”
population growth is what the world should aim for so that we can
sustain our population with the resources available. It doesn’t take an
expert to see that this will eventually become a huge problem and I
think that people just push it to the back of their minds. Just doing
the simple math will point to a great decrease in natural resources to
support an ever-growing population. Besides that most people gravitate
to the city centers
And the distribution of the
population is too condensed. We all have to look at what China is doing
with limiting family size. This is my opinion and is not in anyway a
religious opinion. I am not promoting abortion, I am suggesting
contraceptive methods.
As I mentioned in Part I of this interview Colonel Ware has put together Eleven Government Conspiracies and Probably Reasons. In point form I will share with
the list of interesting information that Donald Ware writes about. The
topics are as follows: Hilters’ Death, UFOs, Cattle Mutilations,
President Kennedy’s Death, Chernobyl, HAARP, Oklahoma City Bombing, TWA
800, The Missing A-10, AA 587, and Planet X.
Tall Whites in Area 51, Nevada
Charles Hall
a former military guy that was assigned to be a weatherman at Indian
Springs AFV, in Nevada in 1965. He had access to Area 51, 52, 53 and 54.
Charles Hall has documented his contact with aliens in his book Millennial Hospitality. He said that the “Tall White”
aliens used to come to him to become used to humans and the way they
act. He said that in 1967 their mother ships stayed on the ground in
Area 54 for two weeks while being re-supplied. He said Booz Allen had
the contract for providing the aliens what they asked for. It took
Charles Hall more than 6 months to get used to these aliens. The alien
had high-pitched sounds past the sound of human hearing. If the Tall
Whites live out their lifespan, they can become 700 years old!
Ware stated that one alien base was half way up the mountain west of Nellis AFB Range 2,
an unmanned electronically scored range. Charles said the Tall Whites came out of that base
to the adjacent Indian Springs AFB for negotiations with the Air Force officers.
an unmanned electronically scored range. Charles said the Tall Whites came out of that base
to the adjacent Indian Springs AFB for negotiations with the Air Force officers.
I wonder where I can get my clearance pass…I want to meet a Tall White… or maybe not but I can probably handle a small grey!
Thursday, June 20, 2013
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