March 2013
Happy Easter everyone!!!
Lisa’s 2 cents worth!
Spring has officially arrived, and we are READY! Stan and I have decided that the older we get, the less we enjoy the snow. Hopefully my grandson will snap us back into snowball fight mode.

want to take this opportunity to thank my friend Dennis Rano for his
wonderful ufologist toons. He also does ghost hunter toons as well.
http://www.cafepress.com /ufologistoons

Stan’s Thoughts!
am not sure everyone knows this but we design and maintain our own
websites. For that matter, we pretty much do everything ourselves. The
reason I am mentioning this is because my amazing wife just finished
designing and publishing her own website. All I can say is, “You go
girl, less work for me.” All kidding aside she did a great job you
should go check it out www.lisaromanek.com
I have been doing a lot of radio shows talking about the hybrid kids.
For those of you that read the books know that these kids in the past
have made an appearance and sometimes in front of a large number of
people. Although we have not seen the kids since 2010 others say they
have, and more witnesses are coming forward. Lucky for us that is what
makes our case so strong. Validating and corroborating witnesses.
Everything that seems to happen does so with people around below are
just a few witness reports regarding the children.

From Stan and Lisa
had a great time at this year’s IUFOC (International UFO Congress) We
have added pictures of a few of the people we met for the first time,
and pictures of some of our dearest IUFOC friends from years past.
wish to send a special hello to Alec Brindell who we spent a lot of
time getting to know this year. It was a lot of fun Alec. I didn't get a
pic of us all together!!!

For those of you who can’t find Stan on Facebook try this link! https://www.facebook.com/StanRomanek?ref=ts&fref=t
May Stan will be speaking with an incredible lineup at the 2013
StarworksUSA UFO Symposium. For registration and details go to: http://starworksusa.com/ Space is limited, so register today!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! URGENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
April 1st is the last day for early bird registration for the Starworksusa Symposium....that is tomorrow!!!

Then on June 7th through the 9th Stan and Lisa will both be Speaking at the Stargate To The Cosmos Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada for info go to http://stargatetothecosmos.com/ or http://www.stanromanek.com/events.html

Remember to go to the websites to get updates of upcoming appearances, radio shows, etc.
if you want one or both of us to do a conference or an individual
presentation in your area, contact conference organizers, and ask them
to invite us. Stan hates being cooped up at home. Or if you yourself are
putting on an event or just want to organize a talk in your area just
let us know. Go to our contact page at http://www.stanromanek.com/contact.html
Etherean LLC |
www.stanromanek.com w |